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Examining the Need

Over a million students drop out of high school each year, and many of those that do earn a high school diploma enter college or the workforce woefully unprepared to succeed. Therefore this lack of preparation, the school-to-prison pipeline, and the focus on tests to measure students’ success mean that students are often left without a clear educational or vocational direction. School districts across America are burdened with an enormous amount of mandates that can create a deficit in a balanced education and fails the majority of our minority students to help them succeed post-graduation. The WLC Foundation has made its mission to fill this gap by helping students succeed through community service and mentorships. Furthermore, it is the goal of the William L. Carter Inspiration Program to aid local school districts in the task of providing a proper youth development program that seeks to close the achievement gap by creating a growth mindset in our students that allows them to begin their adult lives with an inside track to success. We provide our students with proven methods of building goals in real and sustainable ways. Through structured and careful mentoring, exposure to various businesses and artistic/athletic outlets and a focus on measurable dreams that become realities, and working in cooperation with the school districts and local governments, The William L. Carter Inspiration Program will help all students change their mindset and discover a tangible purpose in their lives.

About William L. Carter

Don’t let your secrets keep you captive

  • The sentiment behind this favorite saying of Commissioner William L. Carter served as the catalyst for much of his success and defined his spirit’s essence in many ways. Commissioner Carter’s ascent has been summarized as one allowing for a clear visual of the giant inside all of us, waiting to be nurtured and fed. As a man who strove beyond life’s challenges to become a celebrated community member, he was honored for his motivational qualities by countless organizations, towns, and distinguished fellow leaders across the United States.
  • The accolades were only a small part of his story; much more important to Mr. Carter was inspiring and demonstrating compassion towards the young people who had the good fortune to come in contact with the man who was larger than life. To so many, Mr. Carter was a hero who continually sought to see the good in people, despite what their current circumstances, flaws, or past struggles may have been. Mr. Carter’s daily goal was to impact the lives of those around him in meaningful and positive ways; The William L. Carter Inspiration Program will continue to turn this daily dream into a reality for generations to come.
About Us

Our Mission

Mission, Vision, and Goals

    • The Mission of the William L. Carter Inspiration Program’s Mission is to recognize that all adolescents need an actionable purpose aimed at their future achievements by increasing their growth mindset, along with the experiences and exposures needed to fully realize their dreams. (OR The William L. Carter Inspiration Program’s Mission is to recognize that all adolescents need an actionable purpose aimed at their future achievements by increasing their growth mindset, along with the experiences and exposures needed to fully realize their dreams.)
    • The WLC Foundation has observed that COVID has impacted communities across America; therefore, it is our responsibility to strengthen our communities. This ability to observe and take action in the world teaches our students to realize they have the power to change the world around them no matter their The WLC Foundation will specifically focus on aiding the homeless with three different homeless shelter organizations


Equip our students to become intellectually omnivorous members of the community who are not only dreamers but are also prepared with the experience and tools needed to achieve their goals.

Facilitate meaningful mentor-adolescent relationships for our dreamers by relaying various life experiences. Our featured Inspirational Leader Mentors provide examples of success and offer a pathway to get there.

Identify and cultivate struggling students by partnering with local school districts, Juvenile Courts, and community affiliates to embrace their purpose in life by providing tangible means of self-expression in various professional and personal outlets.

Carry the continually burning torch that was Commissioner William L. Carter’s spirit through helping all students, whatever their current position is, on their life’s journey.

The Council

We are seeking mentors to make a difference in the lives of the students enrolled in the William L. Carter Inspiration Program. If interested, please contact Mrs.Carter.

Program Coordinator(s): Responsible for weekly implementation of the William L. Carter Inspiration Program at the program site.  Supervise all mentors and students enrolled in the program.

Inspiration Coaches: Responsible for helping the Program Coordinator carry out the mission and vision of the program. Support a group of students as they create goals, prepare for college/employment, and discover new activities.

Inspirational Leaders: Mentors will have two primary responsibilities in the program. First, Inspiration Leaders will develop structured and planned mentor-student relationships with an intimate number of students. Mentors will be expected to maintain this relationship over two years. Secondly, Inspirational Leaders will speak and provide a workshop to the entire student body once a year as part of our Mentor Spotlight Series.

Students: Must apply and be recommended for the program from their respective school district, community organization, or local government official. Students must maintain a weekly commitment to the program.